With record heat across much of the US in December, it appears that “winter is coming” is finally an applicable phrase. If you don’t keep up with Game of Thrones, then you might not be picking up what I’m laying down. In the fictional kingdom of Winterfell, winters are harsh, last for years, and have no predictable frequency (which boggles my mind as a meteorologist, but hey, it’s fantasy). The prominent Stark family motto of “winter is coming” is meant to remind people to always be vigilant in preparing for their long, harsh, and indefinite winters.
To heed Ned Stark’s advice, winter IS coming. In fact it’s already here. It’s never too late to be vigilant in preparing your organization for winter’s wrath. Lucky for us, our winter storms are predictable. With that, WDT is excited to announce that we are launching a brand new Winter Weather Forecast ESRI map service hosted in our ArcGIS Server environment. Our Winter Weather map service provides probabilistic (Slight, Moderate and High) snow and freezing rain forecasts out to 3 days. Snow forecasts are for snow accumulation ≥ 4”, snow accumulation ≥ 8”, and snow accumulation ≥ 12”, and freezing rain forecasts are for expected ice accumulations ≥ 0.25”.
Contact us today for a 14-day trial of the new Winter Weather Forecast map service and/or any of our other great map services. The ease of integration with our plug-and-play map services empowers you to add weather data for planning, situation awareness, and analytics directly into your ESRI mobile apps, web applications, and ArcGIS desktop.
Forecast for Day 1 (current 24 hour period) depicting the Probability of Snow > 4” (blue pallet) and the Probability of freezing rain accumulations of > 0.25” of ice (pink pallet).
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