Weather from WeatherOps

Record Flooding in Louisiana

Written by Daphne Thompson | Aug 15, 2016 8:17:10 PM

If you were watching the Olympics and missed the national news this weekend, then you may not have heard of the devastating flooding occuring in Louisiana. Rivers are at record flood stages, major roads are closed, and homes are under water.

 So far, over 20,000 people have been rescued from the flooding in Louisiana and there are seven reported fatalities. Some areas have measured over 24 inches of rain in the past few days. Scattered showers are located across the area today and more rain is in the forecast. 



The above SkyWise-MetStorm graphic, which is created by using radar and rain gauge data, shows the amount of rain that has fallen from August 1-15. All the blue areas have received over a foot of rain with the max approaching 30 inches. 



Many roads are closed, including interstates. Looking at a current map, I-10 is closed west of Layfayette and near Baton Rouge. There is also no travel on I-12 and US 61 by Baton Rouge. Every one of those blue circles with waves shows another road closed due to flooding. Check with the Louisiana DOTD for the latest information.





Infrastructure is literally crumbling due to the power of the water. Many homes in and around Baton Rouge are submerged leading to rescues by boat and Coast Guard helicopters. And with freshman moving into dorms at many universities, Louisiana State University has had to close campus and cancel this activity due to the flooding. 



As rain continues to fall, problems will increase. Even after the rain stops, the flooding issues will continue as rivers rise. The Amite River, south of Baton Rouge, is still rising. Water moving downstream will add to river issues. It is also important to remember that this is hurricane season. Any disturbance in the Gulf has the potential to add even more water to Louisiana.  



 Most importantly, remember to not drive on water covered roads or around flood barriers. It doesn't take much rain at all to wash a car off the road. Don't put your life or that of a rescuers in danger.  Use our Weather Radio app for the most up-to-date weather warnings and information.