
Helping Business Weather the Storm

5 Unusual Ways Weather Data Can Be Used

by JT Johnson, on Apr 3, 2017 3:46:53 PM

We all understand how the weather forecast can help us know what to wear to work or for exercising outside, or whether we should run our sprinklers in our garden or yard. From both a forecast and historical data perspective, there are numerous other uses for weather information, and some are a bit unusual.

Weather Data and BirdsBirds roosting on high voltage power lines can create problems under certain weather conditions.

Have you ever noticed how much birds like to roost on power lines? This can cause major issues to power companies. Our weather data was used to create a “bird poop algorithm.” This is just one of the odd ways that weather information can be used.

Read more about some of the unusual case studies using WDT weather data. You may really be surprised by a few!

Bizarre Weather Analytics

If we can assist you with API weather data, let us know. SkyWise has a bit of everything from historical information to forecasts.

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