Weather from WeatherOps

Mobile App Revealed To Keep Athletes, Fans And Staff Safe During Adverse Weather

Written by Steve Miller | Nov 4, 2014 4:54:34 PM

Hundreds of individuals are injured or killed every year by lightning and STRIKE is here to help

STRIKE is a life-safety application® available for iOS and Android devices designed specifically to notify subscribers when lightning is detected and again when it’s safe to continue play or practice. Additionally, STRIKE can alert on over 100 other hazardous weather events including weather watches and warnings.

STRIKE harnesses the power of ENTLN’s lightning network, combining it with a patented alerting engine developed by Weather Decision Technologies, Inc. to deliver instant notifications whether you’re on or off the field. An alert is sent when a lightning strike is first detected within 6 miles of your location and an all clear is sent when no lightning is detected within that range for 30 minutes. These distance rules are recommended by lightning experts and adhered to by NCAA, NFHS, and other sports associations to ensure safety while outdoors.

“Simply put, lightning is unpredictable and the key to safety is preparation and awareness,” says Renny Vandewege, Business Development Lead for the STRIKE project. “We’re excited to work with organizations of any size to ensure their participants are always safe from lightning and other weather hazards while enjoying the activities they love.

STRIKE Features

  • Patented Alerting Engine: STRIKE provides more accurate alerts than those offered by typical consumer alerting services. Patents: #8519860/#8788606
  • Follow Me: STRIKE will alert you if you are in an area when a watch/warning is issued or lightning strike is near - without you having to do anything
  • Audio: STRIKE provides audio alerts in the form of beeps followed by a brief description of the alert type
  • Radar: Quickly reference where you are in relation to adverse weather utilizing the in-app radar mapping capability that features watch and warning overlay
  • Quick Access: Current and forecast conditions for your present and 5 saved locations from a single screen
  • VoiceOver: User friendly for blind and low-vision users

Purchase STRIKE

STRIKE is available to individuals as a free download on the App Store and GooglePlay with a $7.99 yearly subscription. STRIKE is also available in bulk purchase for schools systems, large organizations or for corporate use. For more information, please contact Renny Vandewege at 402.730.2960.

STRIKE is a vital sports and outdoors application designed with administrators, coaches, players and parents in mind. STRIKE utilizes a patented, redundant alerting system capable of mass notification for 100+ weather hazards. The primary purpose of STRIKE is to warn of impending lightning and severe weather per NCAA and National Federation of State High School Associations standards. For more information see

Sales information, contact: Renny Vandewege
402.730.2960 |

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