National Weather Summary for Tuesday, October 28, 2014
by WeatherOps, on Oct 27, 2014 3:33:13 PM
Showers and thunderstorms with isolated strong to severe storms will be possible for portions of the Ohio River Valley and Northeast. Heavy rain and flash flooding will be possible for portions of the Pacific Northwest.
Ohio Valley into the Northeast:
Low pressure system and cold front will continue to move eastward across the Ohio Valley and into the Northeast on Tuesday allowing for isolated showers and thunderstorms. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms will be possible from Kentucky into Western New York where moisture and instability will be highest. If favorable environmental conditions allow, some storms could produce locally heavy rainfall, damaging winds, frequent lightning and small hail.
Pacific Northwest:
Another low pressure system will begin to move inland across the Pacific Northwest on Tuesday allowing for heavy rain up to 2 inches across portions of Western Washington and Oregon. Steady rainfall from the last few weeks has created saturated conditions across the region and any additional rainfall could allow for flash flooding throughout the day.