
Helping Business Weather the Storm

Hazardous Weather Outlook for Saturday, October 11, 2014

by WeatherOps, on Oct 10, 2014 3:00:32 PM

Isolated strong storms are possible Saturday from portions of South Central Texas into Southern Arkansas.

Scattered showers and perhaps a few weak thunderstorms will be ongoing during the morning hours across the Middle Mississippi River Valley with the departure of an upper-level disturbance moving off the Mid-Atlantic Coast. Activity should diminish through the early afternoon hours with minimal impacts. Significant severe weather is not expected on Saturday. High pressure over the Midwest will likely suppress rain chances across much of the CONUS during the latter half of the day. However, a few isolated showers and thunderstorms may develop across Texas and also across Arkansas during the afternoon hours with a small risk for winds gusting to 45 mph. Hazardous impacts should remain minimal.

