
Helping Business Weather the Storm

13 States Forecast to Have Weather Problems This Holiday

by David Moran, on Nov 21, 2017 3:38:39 PM

13 states are forecast to have disruptive weather during the upcoming holiday weekend. It's not all bad news though. Snow is in the forecast and so is beneficial rainfall. Here's a quick look at your Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday forecast from WeatherOps:

Thanksgiving Day

Washington: If you are in the Seattle area, as well as most western parts of the state for that matter, you'll need to grab your rain boots and umbrellas when venturing out today. Heavy rain will cause some shopping commute slowdowns. Going to Spokane? You can expect 1-3 inches of snow here.

Oregon: Are you ready for some rain too, Oregon? Expect 1-3 inches in Portland and surrounding areas. Taking something that needs to stay cold to Pendleton? You're in luck! It should be cold enough there for a few inches of snow.

Montana: Make sure you have your winter coat and gloves with you. Snow will move into the area late in the day!

Florida: Have some thunder with your turkey, Florida! Northern parts of the state can expect thunderstorms to form late in the day. Heavy rain of over 3 inches could cause localized flooding. Make sure to leave a little early if you're traveling between Tallahassee and Jacksonville.

Georgia: Storms moving out of Florida into Georgia will have you reaching for umbrellas and raincoats. 

North & South Carolina: You'll have plenty of time to sleep that turkey coma off because that's all you may be able to do. Lightning and heavy rain from thunderstorms might keep everyone inside.

 2017 Thanksgiving Holiday Forecast

Black Friday

Idaho: If you're heading out early for some Black Friday shopping around Coeur d'Alene, dress warm if you plan to stand in line outside. Some light snow and freezing rain is expected while you're out shopping for those deals. By lunch time though, precipitation should be winding down. 

Montana: Nothing like some snow to get you in the shopping mood! Accumulations should be light but there's some minor travel concerns from Missoula eastward to Helena and Great Falls. 

North Dakota: Pack the umbrella for your shopping adventures in preparation for rain around Grand Forks and Fargo. Precipitation should fall in the form of rain for much of the day before changing over to snow in the evening.

Minnesota: Rain will likely accompany you on you shopping trip if you're in northern Minnesota on Friday. Plan to head out in the evening? Pack the heavy coat as rain will change over to snow around International Falls and Duluth. Yes, it'll be cold.

Northeast: Your shopping may begin with some snow from Syracuse, New York to Burlington, Vermont, and into parts of Maine. Not to worry; it should taper off in time for lunch.

Happy holidays, everyone. Safe travels!

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